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Working together to uncover Hidden Solutions

A bespoke programme to invigorate your team, accelerate culture change and conceive new ideas that take your business forward.

Home: Welcome

Investing in your people with cutting edge learning

The Hidden Solutions programme is a unique blend of Idea Generation and culture change through Conscious Communication.  Tapping in to the team's individual and collective potential we create a culture of openness, trust and learning that overrides previous negative behaviours such as silo working, habitual responses and rigid thinking. 


Sharing the latest understandings from neuroscience to equip your people to expand their thinking capabilities results in more creativity, improved critical thinking, and taking initiative and responsibility.


For a more detailed understanding of the Hidden Solutions programme

and to see why Communication and Idea Generation are Best Buddies click here

Home: Services

Excelling in the workshops

Our process is designed to avoid the many pitfalls of idea generation such as:

  • Focusing on the wrong project

  • Judging ideas too early

  • Assumptions and bias distorting thinking


Excelling in the real world

Much of the modern world has a negative effect on our individual ability to perform at our best. We equip delegates with the skills to improve their own thinking, resulting in more creativity, collaboration and the ability to recognise and meet challenges.

Ian Steel, Managing Director of Sicame UK, gives an unsolicited testimonial for the Hidden Solutions Programme during a Zoom call with Jon and Nick.

Delegates from a Hidden Solutions programme for

Sicame UK briefly share the BUSINESS benefits they achieved.


Delegates from a Hidden Solutions programme for

Sicame UK briefly share the PERSONAL benefits they achieved.

Home: Testimonials




Home: Team



You are responsible for the performance of a team of people who are not currently reaching their potential.


You recognise (and may have inherited) a culture that historically has valued 'doing things our way' over innovative ways of thinking and working.


​You like to invest in personal and professional development. You know that the way your team thinks is as important as what they do and that the challenges you face require an evolution in the modus operandi of your people.


You feel that it's time to bring in some outside expertise to accelerate the changes you know need to happen.

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